Caledon has a long history of machinima, from both the uber creative residents in its midst and non-residents who view the nation as a jewel of SL. When I first moved into Caledon, the place for machinima was Penzance with it's Caledon Studios nestled under the Hollywood-style Penzance sign in the hills. Oolon Sputnik was the mastermind behind the Studios and gifted us with memorable classic Caledon movies which were doubly poignant as they were used for fundraising for Relay for Life.
Not all of the Caledon Studios videos were for entertainment, though. Mr. Sputnik captured Caledon history with this video of our Guv'nah Desmond Shang terraforming the then baby sim of Wellsian (a place that I have a particular soft spot for).
Caledon's Armed Forces have had their share of machinima work done over the years as well. Once upon a time, the RCAF dogfight footage was collected and archived via film. A couple of examples can be seen below.
The Caledon Fire Brigade even got into the act with this short film, documenting a fire in Caledon Moors.
Visitors to Caledon sometimes can't resist capturing the aura of the place to document their travels (some even decide to settle here!).
(I'm partial to this one--that's my first Caledon home and Mr. Bingle on my roof at about 1:45!)
Finally, last year, I threw my hat into the ring of creative machinima making, using the Caledon Cavorite Mines in Moors as the setting for "They Came for the Cavorite".
Hopefully machinima makers will continue to document Caledon using this form or get inspired from Caledon to create their own fictional films. We have the history--now let's carry on into the future. Make masterful machinimas merrily! :D